I'm Closer Than I was Yesterday
It’s crazy to think how much your life can change in what seems to be a blink of an eye… some changes are sudden and unexpected and others are just life moving forward… but as I sit here tonight and look back on these past couple months it kind of seems like I’m living a new life… it has been a very formative experience for me to be living at home again this past semester. At first, it was weird and I know that to some my break from school might have been a little odd but this semester at home has been something of a blessing in my life. It has brought forth a handful of changes to my life that I never would have expected a year ago and has taught me a lot about myself. I believe that everything happens for a reason… I may not see the reason at first, but I always end up right where I need to be when I need to be there. I may joke and say that I’m the college dropout and that I’m two steps behind all my friends, but I’ve come to realize this is exactly where I need to be and exactly where I want to be… well, I would really like to be traveling the world as a swimsuit model but you get the point…I’m happy with the way my life is turning out and who I am becoming. Of course, there are movements where I sit and wonder what the F I am doing or moments where I look back in shock of how much has changed but overall I have learned so much these past couple months, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world because I learned some valuable life lessons.
I learned…
- How to love and to be loved in return- Thank you Pencer… You teach me every day what loving someone with your whole heart looks like and I am forever grateful for the light you have brought to my life. I love you most
- It’s okay to change your mind- I thought that Texas was going to be my forever home but sometimes your roots are too strong and you just gotta go back to them. I’m always going to be a Cali Girl.
- How much I cherish and love spending time with my family- I have always known that I am a girl who loves her family with her whole heart, but I don’t think I realized how much I enjoyed hanging out with them till they were the only people in the desert I could hang out with. I love y’all to the moon and back
- That it’s nice to have my trustworthy hairdresser in close proximity to me- Before I left for college I think I took for granted the fact that my hair dresser was always close enough to where I could get my hair done whenever I needed it and that she knew exactly what I wanted to be done to it without me having to say anything… Let’s just say I will never take that for granted again.
- And most importantly, it’s okay to take life at your own pace- At first, I was very self-conscious that I was two steps behind all my friends and that instead of moving forward like everyone else I was taking two steps back, but I have now come to realize though that life is not about who finishes first but about making sure you live your life to the fullest and getting the most out of it. So I’m thankful for all the changes my life has presented me and that my life continues to challenge me in ways that help me grow.
"Better an oops than a what if."