To My Baby Sis, Try to Listen

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To My Baby Sis, Try to Listen
I think I am finally thankful that my mom and dad brought home my goofball Lil sis that day in January, seventeen years ago. The love I have for my baby sister Kortney is unreal. Even though she is my little ice princess, knows exactly how to push my buttons, how to get me in trouble, and has a hard time showing emotions towards the people she loves…She is one of my favorite people in the world. She steals my heart more and more every day and year I get to spend with her. She is my twin, my better half, my best friend, and most of all, the person I know will always have my back in life. She is the reason that I strive to be the best I can be, I want to be someone she not only loves but someone she looks up to. So Korts here are a couple of things that I want you to know: 

You need to stop growing, I am supposed to be the big sister here
You are the best thing Mom and Dad have ever brought home to me, well except for my Jeep and Koda Bear.
I know I may seem like a hot mess at times, but maybe try and learn from my mistakes. 
You are constantly out shining my achievements and honestly I couldn't be more proud (You are my better half)
You are the most beautiful person I have ever known, inside and out... don't let anyone tell you differently 
Yes, I do get jealous of you... Just ask mom 
I will always have your back, no matter what happens
I really don't mind anymore that people think we are twins 
Your my ride or die... there is no one I would rather have sitting shotgun in the Jeep 
And most importantly I love you so much more then you will ever know Lil Sis 
-Love you to the moon and back,

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