Hoffkin aka Birthday Girl

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Hoffkin aka Birthday Girl 
Today is the day that my best friend and soul sister Gracie Pooh Hoffkin was born, so in honor of that I thought I would take a little bit of time to tell y’all why I find today to be such an important day. You see Gracie is not just one of my best friends, she is like the 7th member of my family, my fourth sister, my roommate, my other half and basically the Paris Hilton to my Nicole Richie. I have known her almost my entire life and to this day she is still the person that can make me laugh the hardest, finish not only my sentences but my thoughts, can sit and do completely nothing with me and still be happy, share in my obnoxious obsession with taking photos, spend hours online shopping with me, fangirl over hot celebrities, and completes my very opinionated and dazzling personality in the best way. 
 Although we have known each other since we were three, we didn’t become best friends until around 5th grade, we had both invited to our good friend Taylor’s birthday party, and while everyone else was playing soccer or football. Grace and I decided that we would much rather sit around and play with these cute little toy dogs we had. We were soul sisters from that day forward. Grace and I spent every waking moment we could together; playing sims, gossiping or just being plain out weirdos and if we weren’t together we were skyping each other. We spent so much time stuck to each others hip that when my family went car shopping we would have to keep in mind that we needed an extra seat for Hoffkin.  If y’all don’t know “Hoffkin” is what my family calls Gracie. The nickname was made from the combination of our last names put together. It originated from one of our many Sims families on our computers and it just kind of stuck. She still to this day is like the unofficial seventh member of my family. She has always been and always will be so much more than just my best friend;  I know that she will always be in my heart and in my life whether we talk every hour of everyday or once every couple years, because our friendship is one of a kind. 
So Hoffkin, Happy 20th Birthday!! Thank you for always being the person I could turn to when I needed a good laugh or when I just needed to vent to someone. I know that for a time being we rarely saw each other and that we didn’t talk ask much as we did when we were younger but just know you were always in my mind and in my heart. You moving to Newport was one of the hardest things that I have had to face in my life but I now know that no matter where life takes us, you will always be one of those people that I can pick up where we left off from. I hope one day that our kids are best friends and they get to experience the type of friendship we have. I love you so much more than you will ever know Grace! I hope your day is filled with lots of pictures, champagne, shopping, and love.. You deserve nothing but the best my friend xoxo 
In honor of your b-day here are some photos of us: 


"The way I see it, you should live everyday like it's your birthday."- Paris Hilton 
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