To My Baby Sis, Try to Listen

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To My Baby Sis, Try to Listen
I think I am finally thankful that my mom and dad brought home my goofball Lil sis that day in January, seventeen years ago. The love I have for my baby sister Kortney is unreal. Even though she is my little ice princess, knows exactly how to push my buttons, how to get me in trouble, and has a hard time showing emotions towards the people she loves…She is one of my favorite people in the world. She steals my heart more and more every day and year I get to spend with her. She is my twin, my better half, my best friend, and most of all, the person I know will always have my back in life. She is the reason that I strive to be the best I can be, I want to be someone she not only loves but someone she looks up to. So Korts here are a couple of things that I want you to know: 

You need to stop growing, I am supposed to be the big sister here
You are the best thing Mom and Dad have ever brought home to me, well except for my Jeep and Koda Bear.
I know I may seem like a hot mess at times, but maybe try and learn from my mistakes. 
You are constantly out shining my achievements and honestly I couldn't be more proud (You are my better half)
You are the most beautiful person I have ever known, inside and out... don't let anyone tell you differently 
Yes, I do get jealous of you... Just ask mom 
I will always have your back, no matter what happens
I really don't mind anymore that people think we are twins 
Your my ride or die... there is no one I would rather have sitting shotgun in the Jeep 
And most importantly I love you so much more then you will ever know Lil Sis 
-Love you to the moon and back,


My Ride or Die

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My Ride or Die
Today marks two months without my baby girl… Two months since I left my Jeep in the parking structure at GrandMarc thinking that I would be back soon to drive her. Little did I know that I would go so long without getting to see my precious Kali girl. I know what y’all are thinking…This girl is insane, she talks about her jeep as if it’s a person she loves and hasn’t seen in years. But I would just like everyone to know that this is the longest stretch of time I’ve gone without seeing my Jeep since I got her, four and a half years ago. It may seem weird to love an inanimate object as much I love my Jeep, but she has been there for some of the best times of my life and also for the bad times. She has consistently been a place I could go to clear my head, and just not worry about anything that’s going on in my life. Over the last four and a half years, God almost five years that I’ve had my Jeep we’ve gone a lot of places, seen a lot of things, and within her four doors made a lot of memories. 
    I can honestly say that the best present my parents ever gave me that wasn’t my lil sis or my puppy Koda, was my Jeep. I had to beg them to get her for me, anyone who knows me knows that once I get my mind stuck on something, it’s very hard to change my mind. And that’s exactly what happened with my Jeep. I had seen my next door neighbor, Tori get an adorable white Jeep for her first car and I just kind of fell in love with it. From that moment forward, there was no other option in cars for me; I was going to have a Jeep. I didn’t care if it was an old beat up Jeep, if it had two doors or four, or if I had to get a job and pay for it myself. I even told my mom that I would cry if she got me the little BMW, she was hoping that I would change my mind about. I know how much of a spoiled brat I sound like, and looking back it probably wasn’t the best way to handle the situation, but if I had any say in what kind of car I was gonna drive, it was going to be a Jeep. And on June 6th, 2012, my parents made me the happiest girl in the entire world, because sitting outside of Roy’s to celebrate me getting my permit was the most beautiful Jeep I had ever laid eyes on. Since that day she’s been my most favorite thing in the entire world, and I wouldn’t want to have any other car in the world. 
    So yes… I am obsessed with my Jeep, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love going on adventures in my too slow, a little too loud and slightly missed aligned Jeep because some of my best memories were made with friends getting lost in the desert or driving down PCH with all the windows down blaring music. I miss my Jeep more and more every day that I go without being able to drive her. I can’t wait to have her back home where she belongs and to take a very long much-needed drive; we have a lot of time to make up for.
“Silly boys Jeeps are for girls” 

Amongst the Chaos

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Amongst the Chaos 
 Recently my life has been filled with a chaotic amount of change. Deciding to uproot the life in Texas that I had spent the last year and a half working on, has been an extremely hectic decision to deal with. When I first decided that I needed a change in my life, I was like the tasmanian Devil wrecking havoc on everything. A total and complete whirlwind of emotions and thoughts who went back and forth between transferring to FIDM and not transferring at least 20 times a day. I have to hand it to my parents, though. They sure know how to deal with me when I get unwound about things because when they had, had enough of my indecisiveness. They took me to see the school that I desperately wanted to transfer to, and well I think y’all probably know by now but I fell in love with FIDM that day. The small fashion building at TCU was nothing compared to the huge FIDM building in downtown LA. The next day I made the decision to switch, and I withdrew from TCU, wrecking a whole new type of chaos on my life. 
    You would think that since I have made my decision to transfer, that my life wouldn’t be a chaotic mess anymore, but it still is. There are still so many unanswered questions, and unfinished tasks I have to do before my next adventure begins. One of which is getting my most prized possession back from Texas, if I have to spend one more day without my beloved Jeep, I swear I might die… Okay, that might be a little bit dramatic, but in all seriousness, I miss my Jeep more than y’all will ever know. My parents are making me drive an electric car, and I just want to point out that you can’t off-road in that. Another task being my interview at FIDM, which might just be one of the most nerve wrecking things I will do all year. 
    The chaos in my life doesn’t stop at the tasks not finished and unanswered questions. There has been a sort of chaos in the transition from living on my own and having all the freedom in the world to living back at home. I love my family more than you will ever know, but I also know I’m a handful and I hate being told what to do, so I can only imagine how weird it is to have me back in the house. It’s also been hard being one of the only people in my friend group to be home; I miss having my friends around so much. This whole process has been chaotic and hard, but there hasn’t been a day where I’ve woke up and said,"damn I made the wrong decision." The excitement I have for this next chapter is unbelievable, and as of right now, well I’m just learning to live amongst the chaos.  

“Think about a thunderstorm, they have a chaotic sound but when they are over everything is clean, fresh and beautiful again.” -Bob Ross 


Meet the Girl in the Checkered Vans

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Welcome to The Girl in the Checkered Vans!
My name is Kayts, and as y’all may have guessed I’m the girl in the checkered vans. I’m twenty years old and am currently in the very complicated process of figuring out what it means to be Kayts in the real world. I decided to make this blog as a way for me to document the journey that is my life and everything I love about it. Y’all may have picked up on a slight southern twang there. Well I would just like everyone to know that, that is just a nasty habit I picked up in my short year and a half at TCU, so if I say y’all one too may times I’m sorry in advance. I am a born and raised California girl, and for the most part, you can most definitely tell. I’m from Rancho Mirage, California; home of Coachella, snowbirds, no real changing of the seasons, and my personal favorite music festival, Stagecoach. Growing up in the desert has made me a certified desert rat, meaning that I love anything to do with the desert and with that comes my annoying obsession with my jeep and off-roading. So if I haven’t scared you guys away already, I’m sure you will get to hear a lot about my jeep, fashion, traveling, and just about anything that I find blogworthy.
Just so y’all know a little bit more about me as we share this journey together, I think y’all should know that I am a brutally honest person at times, and the first thing that pops into my head is typically what comes out of my mouth or in this case my hands… I have no filter and for that I am gonna say a quick sorry in advance. I have a deep love for traveling, art, fashion, photography, food, adventures, cheerleading and because I am my father’s daughter, off-roading and anything that has to do with the desert, ocean or big bodies of water. And as y’all may have guessed a great love for my checkered vans. I just recently decided to transfer colleges, but while attending TCU I was a Fashion Merchandising major with a minor that changed three times in the short time that I was there, it went from Business to Graphic design, to finally Studio Art. As you can probably see from the changing of my minor, I change my mind like I change my clothes… too damn often. So it shouldn’t be a big surprise that I am now going to be attending The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles, California in hopes of getting a BA in Social Media. What can I say… you can take the girl out of California, but you can’t take California outta the girl… believe me, I tried… and while I enjoyed my short time in Texas… I am so happy to be back home where my heart belongs and on to my next adventure. 

I hope y’all enjoy reading what life throws my way because I’m so excited to start this adventure with y’all. 
-The Girl in the Checkered Vans 
"Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures"

 ~Lewis Carroll

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