Amongst the Chaos

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Amongst the Chaos 
 Recently my life has been filled with a chaotic amount of change. Deciding to uproot the life in Texas that I had spent the last year and a half working on, has been an extremely hectic decision to deal with. When I first decided that I needed a change in my life, I was like the tasmanian Devil wrecking havoc on everything. A total and complete whirlwind of emotions and thoughts who went back and forth between transferring to FIDM and not transferring at least 20 times a day. I have to hand it to my parents, though. They sure know how to deal with me when I get unwound about things because when they had, had enough of my indecisiveness. They took me to see the school that I desperately wanted to transfer to, and well I think y’all probably know by now but I fell in love with FIDM that day. The small fashion building at TCU was nothing compared to the huge FIDM building in downtown LA. The next day I made the decision to switch, and I withdrew from TCU, wrecking a whole new type of chaos on my life. 
    You would think that since I have made my decision to transfer, that my life wouldn’t be a chaotic mess anymore, but it still is. There are still so many unanswered questions, and unfinished tasks I have to do before my next adventure begins. One of which is getting my most prized possession back from Texas, if I have to spend one more day without my beloved Jeep, I swear I might die… Okay, that might be a little bit dramatic, but in all seriousness, I miss my Jeep more than y’all will ever know. My parents are making me drive an electric car, and I just want to point out that you can’t off-road in that. Another task being my interview at FIDM, which might just be one of the most nerve wrecking things I will do all year. 
    The chaos in my life doesn’t stop at the tasks not finished and unanswered questions. There has been a sort of chaos in the transition from living on my own and having all the freedom in the world to living back at home. I love my family more than you will ever know, but I also know I’m a handful and I hate being told what to do, so I can only imagine how weird it is to have me back in the house. It’s also been hard being one of the only people in my friend group to be home; I miss having my friends around so much. This whole process has been chaotic and hard, but there hasn’t been a day where I’ve woke up and said,"damn I made the wrong decision." The excitement I have for this next chapter is unbelievable, and as of right now, well I’m just learning to live amongst the chaos.  

“Think about a thunderstorm, they have a chaotic sound but when they are over everything is clean, fresh and beautiful again.” -Bob Ross 

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