Hi I'm Kayts and I'm a Shopaholic

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Hi I'm Kayts and I'm a Shopaholic 
With festival season fast approaching in the Coachella Valley, I have been in a frantic frenzy to find six perfect outfits for the best two weekends my hometown has to offer. Going through website after website, store after store to find those perfect outfits has been quite the journey, and on this journey, I have come to realize something about myself that I typically tend to ignore… I’m undeniably a shopaholic. I have this unhealthy love for new clothes and the great satisfaction of opening box after box of freshly packaged clothes that I ordered a couple of days before. I don’t understand why I love shopping so much; it probably has a lot to do with my mom and Nana, who taught me from a very young age what good style is, and how to shop for clothes. Mother, daughter and granddaughter bonding has always been a trip to the mall for us, whether that means driving to Newport for the night or trying to make due with what we have in the desert, for as long as I can remember that was just something that we all bonded over. I know what y’all might be thinking, this girl is a spoiled brat… and while yes I am spoiled beyond belief, I try not to be a brat about it. Honestly, I do… although sometimes I think my sassiness gets the best of me. I just can’t help that if I set my mind to something there is just really no way for you to change it… so if I ever get sassy with you over something I wanna buy… I am so sorry… that really isn’t me… it’s my shopping obsessed alter ego, Kayts. I have absolutely no control over what she does in the name of clothes…
With this incurable shopping problem also comes my inability to ever get rid of my precious clothes… my mom calls me a hoarder as a joke, but in a way what she is saying is true… I hoard my clothes, not for the fact that I get satisfaction out of the clutter but because you never know when your going to need that old vintage shirt you hide in you closet three years ago when your mom told you to throw it away… I always deny this.. that is until I go into my closet and it’s bursting at the seams and begging to be cleaned out… after that happens I typically clean it out and repeatedly tell myself that I am never going to buy another thing… this promise to never buy another clothing item typically lasts a couple weeks, when I see something I just can’t live without… it’s a vicious never ending cycle for me… like some people are obsessed with their work, traveling, others with cars, animals or even food, but for me well I’m obsessed with clothes… you can find my computer littered with screenshots of various clothing items on a regular basis with safari open with a hundred different links to different clothing brands... this obsession for clothes doesn’t stop with the love of buying clothes for just myself…I could be shopping for my family and friends, and I still would be the happiest girl in the world… I love getting to style other people and bring bits and pieces of my personality to other people’s lives. 
The person though that I love most to share my incurable shopping problem with is my younger sister, Korts… She is my favorite model and guinea pig for different styles I want to test out… she often will throw tantrums until I let her borrow my clothes… the very same clothes the week before she said she didn’t like… as you can see my incurable shopping problem not only affects me but also the people around me… I think I will always have this unhealthy love for clothes because it’s just a part of who I am and something that I will hopefully get to use in my career one day. So Hi everyone, I’m Kayts, and I’m a proud shopaholic. 

“I love new clothes. If everyone could just wear new clothes every day, I reckon depression wouldn’t exist anymore” - Sarah Kinsella, Confessions of a Shopaholic 

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