157 Days Later...
a short five months ago I didn’t even know Spencer… I mean I knew of him before he sent that DM but we had never talked… so i guess thats where it all started a 157 days ago… from that day forward we have facetimed, texted, called, snap chatted, and DM’d every single day… in that time period I have come to know him like the back of my hand, as creepy as it may be we can finish each others sentences… There is just something about Spencer that makes me happy… He has this incredible ability to make me burst out laughing in the middle of a silent room… seriously the amount of looks I received these past couple months is ridiculous… it’s a good kind of ridiculous though I promise… I wanna thank him for always taking my bullshit, I know I can be a big pain in the Butt and that most of the time I really only make myself laugh, but it makes me smile knowing that I get to pick on him whenever I want… don’t ask me why that brings me joy it just does…I honestly think it just has to do with the fact that I love bring up things that make him cringe… I also love that I can tell him literally anything that pops into my head and even if he sits there and stares at me like I’ve just grown another head, I don’t get self conscious and wanna shut up… which happens more times then not with most people… another positive of that is that he’s never made me anxious… well he has but only because of the phone calls I receive late at night saying, “Baby Girl, I sent you my location incase I get taken walking home from the bars in a dark alley. Oh and make sure you write down that you get all my money, pussy car, and rolex if I die.” and while I love those conversations, they do make me laugh a lot, another part of me is genuinely concerned that he might actually get taken and well lowkey I would cry if that happened. Phone calls and facetimes from him though might be the highlight of my day, I love hearing about his adventures with shoelaces, how he lost his wallet in his sock draw, how many showers he has taken that day, and how loose he got at the bar that night… I make fun of him all the time for those things but I do it from my heart, if I’m comfortable enough to make fun of him and say literally everything that is going through my head then he has successfully almost but not really figured me out… because let’s face it no one really has ever figured me out… although sometimes I swear he can read my mind…I didn’t think we could get any closer then we were a month ago but as I have spent more time with him… I have come to realize he has been such a positive person in my life and that I honestly don’t know what I would do without him…I could probably go on for days about things that have happened with us these last couple months but I think I will limit myself to what I have already said… So now I just wanna thank my Pencer, alphabets, goofball, and babes for making these last 5 months so entertaining… if I had to endure being home while everyone is at school without your calls I think I would have died of boredom… you are amazing Pencer and don’t let anyone (even me) tell you differently… so keeping wowing the world with your leggings, vans, mustache, middle part, and Japanese twill. I can’t want to see where life takes us and the fact that your going to be only 45 minutes away from me next year makes me so incredibly happy
As you would say….
Stay Loose,
Kayts, Der ta Der, Koala, Baby Girl, Bananners
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